系统工程沙龙(第48期) . 海外青年论坛(第5期)通知
第48期系统工程沙龙.海外青年论坛(第5期)将于12月18日(周六)13:30在线举行,本次沙龙将邀请斯坦福大学Didem Guerduer Broo博士分享《以人为中心的信息物理融合系统:如何设计更好的智能系统》。
本次沙龙将邀请斯坦福大学Didem Guerduer Broo博士进行《以人为中心的信息物理融合系统:如何设计更好的智能系统》分享,欢迎广大系统工程爱好者积极参与。
01 第48期系统工程沙龙日程
报 告 人:斯坦福大学Didem Guerduer Broo博士
内容 | 时间 |
1.以人为中心的信息物理融合系统:如何设计更好的智能系统 | 13:30-14:30 |
2.互动交流 | 14:30-15:00 |
- Lausanne, Switzerland Sat, 18 Dec 2021 at 06:30 CET
- Washington DC, USA Sat, 18 Dec 2021 at 00:30 EST
- UTC, Time Zone Sat, 18 Dec 2021 at 05:30
- Beijing, China Sat, 18 Dec 2021 at 13:30 CST
- San Francisco, USA Fri, 17 Dec 2021 at 21:30 PST
Topic: 48th CCOSE online seminar
Time: Dec 18, 2021 01:30 PM Beijing,Shanghai
Meeting ID: 680 4640 5262
鲁金直 jinzhi.lu@epfl.ch
High quality, trustworthy data can helporganizations build strategies, capture value, increase the potential ofautomation and enable insightful and fast decision-making. Data could changethe cities we inhabit through real-time solutions to challenges such as trafficcongestion, air quality, energy distribution and monitoring. It can help us tobuild better ecosystems that support human flourishing. Data could enable us tobe more effective, efficient, and sustainable. And it is already changing theworld one industry at a time.
At the same time, data is often referredto as “the new oil”. We are, on one hand, benefitted from the revolutions thatoil fuelled. Yet, on the other hand, one of the biggest threats that the earthis facing today is the unanticipated results of this revolution – climatechange. Now that we are at the beginning of another new era, which many call thefourth industrial revolution, it is vital to understand how data-relateddecisions of today can affect the future and we focus on understanding thecause-effect relationships of our design decisions. Therefore, it is essentialto not only focus on the opportunities of data but also understand thechallenges around it.
This talk aims to provide an overview ofthe important characteristics of cyber-physical systems, common challengesrelated to data usage in cyber-physical systems. We will discuss strategies todeal with these challenges and have a brief introduction to three mindsets thatcan help us to do not only design intelligent systems but also doing this in ahuman-centred and sustainable way.
02 专家介绍
Didem Guerduer Broo博士
DidemGuerduer Broo博士简介
Didem cares about the future of the world and nature. She is a computer scientist with a PhD in mechatronics, which cangive you an idea about how much she loves to talk about the future and emergingtechnologies. She is a data person, always finds a way to talk about howimportant it is to know your data, use it to make decisions, and at some point,expect her to talk about art, visualizations, and visual analytics. Didem is a person who does not hesitate to talk aboutinequalities and point out her ethical concerns. She dreams of a better worldand actively works on improving inequalities regardless of their nature. She isan analytical thinker with a passion for design thinking, a researcher with afuture perspective, an engineer who likes problems more than solutions, and ateacher who likes to play during lectures. She is a good reader, sailor,divemaster, photographer, and drone pilot.
Currently, Didem is Marie Skłodowska-CurieFellow on Human-centered and Sustainable Cyber-physical Systems at Stanford University. Her project focuses on intelligence, autonomy, and interoperabilityof cyber-physical systems. She uses data science, design thinking, futurethinking, and systems thinking to design future cyber-physical systems not onlyhuman-centered but also sustainable way. The project is funded by European Commission's prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions which supportsexcellence in research and innovation. Prior to this project, she has been atthe Engineering Department of the University of Cambridge as a researchassociate for several years. She has worked at the intersection of data scienceand engineering projects with a focus on the design and implementation of digital twins for cyber-physical systems.